Sold Horses

Oldenburg mare sold

K2 was sold spring 2019 to Jan and Don Creager of Fort Collins. They have a small private farm estate. However, K2 will be in training near by their home.

grey quarter horse gelding - sold

eMoji sold June 2018 to Jeanie Heismann  out of Littleton Colorado. She is looking forward to doing many types of activities with eMoji. She participates in Western events as well as enjoys the English disciplines. They will be doing lots of trail riding together too.

Chamonix, a registered Oldenburg mare, was sold to Kim Shales in the fall of 2013. Chamonix and Kim are looking forward to many good days in the saddle, doing some horse showing and becoming best partners!

Soeli was purchased by Annette Nusser of Longmont CO., in 2011. Annette is looking forward to having a horse that she can ride with her daughter. Her daughter is active in pony club and is beginning to go to riding events. I did warn Annette that she maybe looking for another horse in few years when her daughter out grows her pony.

Kissimmee was purchased by Heather Bell in May of 2009. She is looking forward to competing in the lower eventing divisions in addition to trail riding. Here is what Heather has to say,"I am a dressage and event rider who is taking the sports back up after a 10 year hiatus and Kissimee is just perfect for what I would like to do. I am active in the United States Pony Clubs and live in Evergreen, CO. I hope to take Kissimmee to her first eventing clinic or possible an event this fall. She is doing super by the way." Learn more about Heather as an equine photographer.

Mystere was purchased by Erin Fusting in the spring of 2010. Erin is currently located in Telluride but grew up on the east cost with a background in eventing. She is looking forward to continuing these disciplines with Mystere and also enjoying this horse as a pleasure mount. Check out Erin Fusting on facebook.

Buttermilk was purchased by the Graham family the summer of 2007. They have two junior riders who are very excited to have this pony. They are looking forward to many days of pleasure riding and continuing to take riding lessons.

Tasha, sold to Janice Virant in 2006. She is currently showing her eventing, pace events and in the low jumpers. Janice is looking forward to moving up with Tasha. They are getting along great. I plan on visiting Janice and Tasha and joining them in some horse events.

Sparrow, sold to Molly Parsons of Steamboat Springs in 2006. Molly has sense gone off to College and Sparrow was sold to Michelle Townsend. She and her husband own Elk River Farm and Feed in Steamboat Springs. Michelle tells me that she is really enjoying Sparrow very much.

Noble Exchange, sold to the Humphries family in 2002 for their daughter. Katie will be showing Nobie in the children's hunter division. They own a ranchette in the Parker Colorado area and train with local trainers. The Humphries contacted me this spring 2008 and Noble Exchange is still going strong!